Villa La Pietra - Tuscany, Gardens in Italy

Villa La Pietra, Tuscany Gardens

Explore the Cities and Towns of Gardens in Italy


If visiting Italian gardens is your thing, visiting this Tuscan garden will not only impress you, but inspire you for so many reasons!  The grand sculpture, the perfectly manicured vegetable and fruit gardens and the incredibly lush pastures adorned it seems in perfect harmony with the tall standing trees, makes Villa La Pietra one of our favorite gardens in Tuscany! 

Named after the first milestone on the road from Florence to Bologna, and is set back at the end of a 0.8 km (Half a Mile) long cypress 'viale' - road up to the estate. It appears entirely seventeenth century, but neither the house nor the garden is as it seems.  

The original house, a typical four-square Renaissance country villa, received a new facade in the 17th  century when a stately baroque exterior was grafted on to the fifteenth-century building like an architectural second skin.

When we visit these gardens, it is on request only by the property owners and like so many places in Italy, not open to the general public, the care keepers themselves will show you around and it is as though you are stepping into a 'secret garden' of sorts when coming here.

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