Edith Wharton, the great English writer was passionate about gardens and she adored the Villa Gamberaia. She wrote that the villa was 'probably the most perfect example of the art of producing a great effect on a small scale.'
These gardens are located just outside of Florence in a spectacular position overlooking the red-roofs in the valley.
In the hills of Tuscany - Villa Gamberaia
An historic villa, built in the early 1600s and noted for its magnificent gardens, Villa Gamberaia is located on the hills of Florence, about fifteen minutes by car from the center of the city, in an exceptional position overlooking the Arno valley. The unique garden plan and setting in the Tuscan landscape have been studied and celebrated by architectural historians and garden designers throughout the centuries.
Luxuriously-appointed reception rooms in the villa are available for meetings, conferences and exhibitions. The villa and guest houses on the property also have accommodations for holiday rentals.
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