Gay and Lesbians Friendly Vacations in Italy
Italy is located in the center of the Mediterranean and paired with Greece, many people believe that Italy is the birthplace of Western culture where once gay culture was widely accepted.
Since Christianity took over and Vatican's power grew in supremacy, gay culture and women's rights during the middle ages diminished and up until the past decade for the most part gay culture was not widely accepted in Italy, however in the past 10 years things have changed considerably and are getting progressively better in Italy for equal rights and large-spread acceptance of gay-culture.
Gay marriage and gay family rights are now being pushed through the constitution and in many places in Italy, particularly Milan, Rome, Florence, Naples and many places throughout Sicily, there are many hot-spots where gay and lesbian couples can not only feel accepted but also applauded.
We specialize in tailor-made holidays for gay and lesbian couples coming to Italy who want to enjoy the very best of Italy in sophistication and style.
Since we are based here in Italy and members of our team enjoy this aspect of Italian culture, we can help put you in touch with our network of friends all over the country that can contribute to providing you with the very best of local knowledge, culture and restaurant recommendations.
Italy is a country is renowned worldwide for its exquisite cuisine, fashions, luxury sports cars and motorcycles, numerous regional cultures and dialects, and also for its many beautiful alpine lakes and mountains (the Alps and Apennines).
It is not surprising it is many times nicknamed Il Bel Paese (The Beautiful Country). Two independent mini-states are encased entirely by Italy: San Marino and Vatican City. While to be precise, not part of the European Union, both these states are also part of the Schengen Region and the European Monetary Union (EMU). Other than different police uniforms, there is virtually no evident transition from these states and Italy's territory, and the currency is the same . Italian is also the language in both city-states.