Venice for Travelers with Impaired Mobility

Travel Tips in Venice for those with Impaired Mobility Venice is considered to be one of the most romantic cities in the world and with good reason!  It is a truly amazing destination with an incredible history and people rarely forget their first glimpse of Venice, for it appears out of the sea much like…

10 of the Most Romantic Destinations in Italy that No-One Ever Talks About

Italy is a country synonymous with beauty, romance and love – with very good reason. It is one of the most geographically incredible countries in the world and renowned for its incredible food, wine, culture, architecture, fashion and stunning landscapes. With so many amazing cities and regions in one country and dozens of beautiful islands there are many reasons…

10 of the Best Foods to Try in Rome

  The Roman culinary traditions often get pushed aside in terms of what is considered “high” Italian cuisine, however for pasta lovers and traditionalists, for lovers of “Comfort Foods”, street foods and those who just want to enjoy a great plate of Spaghetti and Tomato Sauce or “Spaghetti al Pomodoro” Rome is actually one of the very best…

How to Dress in Italy

You know the age-old expression “When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do”?  Well, one person recently wrote us asking what is it exactly that the Romans do and by the way “How should I dress in Rome and in the other places we will be visiting in Italy?” This is a great question and…